The most common cause of neck pain and stiffness is a mechanical problem in the joints of the neck. These joints, referred to as facet joints, can cause mechanical problems inducing swelling, limiting movement, and making muscles feel tight and sore. Medicine may provide temporary relief, but it doesn’t address the root cause of the problem, and as a result the pain usually comes back. Once diagnosed, mechanical neck pain is effectively treated with a combination of therapies offered within our clinic.

  • Chiropractic adjustments are gentle and incredibly effective at not only alleviating neck pain, but correcting the biomechanics responsible for causing the pain
  • Relaxation and therapeutic massage is effective at releasing tension in muscles and enhances the effects of chiropractic adjustments
  • Physical medicine techniques stretch muscles, retrain soft tissues, correct poor posture, and strengthen stabilizing muscles
  • Cold laser therapy reduces inflammation
  • Nutritional support utilizing omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients with anti-inflammatory properties to reduce pain

You don’t have to live with neck pain. Our multifaceted approach to treatment provides long term results that change the way you live.

Interesting Facts about Lower Back Pain

  • Lower back pain affects 80% of the adult population at some point in their lives and accounts for more work loss and disability in the United States than any other single ailment.
  • Lower back pain is the second leading reason a person will see a doctor in this country, only behind visits for the common cold. These statistics are alarming and represent a health problem that the entirety of our society faces.
  • Chronic lower back has reached epidemic proportions because of poor patient education and lack of proper diagnosis and treatment of this disabling condition.
  • The wait and watch approach recommended by many medical doctors leads to long term problems that are more difficult to treat. A combination of early passive and active physical care has been shown to be the most effective treatment for lower back pain.
Degenerative disc disease

Long Term Consequences of Bad Mechanics

Degenerative Disc and Joint DiseaseEarly studies downplayed any long term consequence of episodic lower back pain. Treatment for acute lower back pain often consisted of prescription pain medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, and muscle relaxants. This course of treatment is ineffective because the cause of pain is left untreated. Instead, the symptoms of pain are simply masked by the prescribed medications.Our clinic has seen countless patients who are frustrated with the ineffectiveness of previously prescribed treatment regimens and are searching for a new, more effective approach. If left untreated, over time the lower back just simply wears out. Often an MRI is ordered and surgeries are recommended. With a treatment approach rooted in pain management rather than structured biomechanical change, it’s no wonder low back pain accounts for the highest rate of disability and work loss in our country.Recent studies dispute the idea that episodic back pain is self-limiting and without long term consequence. It is now recognized that those who have even one episode of lower back pain are at high risk for future episodes.

Current studies have concluded that chiropractic care is the most effective primary treatment approach for both acute and chronic low back pain. The studies suggest that chiropractic care is also helpful in preventing future episodes of pain. This process of continual assessment and adaptation ensures that your health goals will be met.

At Graham Rehabilitation and Wellness, we integrate the best current research protocols for managing your pain into an individualized treatment approach tailored to you.

Journal Of The American Medical Association

It is unclear why more complex operations are increasing. It seems implausible that the number of patients with the most complex spinal pathology increased 15-fold in just 6 years. The introduction and marketing of new surgical devices and the influence of key opinion leaders may stimulate more invasive surgery, even in the absence of new indications…financial incentives to hospitals and surgeons for more complex procedures may play a role…” There is a significant difference in mean hospital costs for simple decompression versus complex surgical fusion. The cost of surgical decompression is $23,724 compared to an average of $80,888 for complex fusion.

-Deyo, et al., 2010

Graham Rehab and Wellness is fully open and able to resume all care including emergency and routine treatments. We are following all WSHD, CDC, and WSCA guidelines to ensure the safety of our staff and patients. Should you experience cold or flu like symptoms, or are running a fever we kindly ask that you remain home. A list of Covid-19 resources is available here.